Sims 4 Death Note Mod
If you want to add more life and spirit to your sims lives try my PersonalityPlease mod found HERE If you would like more ways for your pregnant sim to achieve death I have uploaded a mod that will not conflict and take away your pregnant sims immortality Pregnant Aging Death I used these with MCCC and seem to be compatible with each other.
Death Note Tribute is a tribute album dedicated to the live action movie for the Death Note. Published by BMG Japan on June 21, 2006 (Japan), it contains 15 tracks performed by various artists, such as Shikao Suga (feat. Amazons), M-Flo, Buck-Tick and Aya Matsuura. The soundtrack came with a cosplay Death Note notebook.
Glaucoma : Increased intraocular pressure , normal is 20 mmHg. Leading to compression of the retinalblood vessels and photoreceptors, and their nerve fibers resulting in hypoxemia & death of tissue orvision loss. Diagnostic tests: Ophthalmoscopic exam: cupping and atrophy of optic disk 1. Perimetry : test peripheral vision 2. Gonioscopy: determine if angle is open or closed 3. Tonometry measures intraocular pressure. Intraocular pressure varies throughout the day. 1e1e36bf2d